
If you’re considering a career in the mental health field in Maine, declaring a minor in Mental 健康 Rehabilitation may be one of the smartest decisions you ever make. 成功完成辅修课程将为你加分 mental health rehabilitation technician/community (MHRT/C) certification, one of the most needed certifications in the state and one that is required for any position funded by the Maine Department of 健康 and Human Services as well as other human service organizations. 超越认证, the minor provides you with a solid background in mental health, 创伤, and clinical psychology/counseling theories as well as ample hands-on learning experiences that will serve you well in any career within the mental health care field nationwide.

A U N E student works with a student at a sensory table at the Dempsey Center


From its undergraduate research opportunities to its hands-on curriculum, 丰富的实习机会, 还有一流的师资队伍, UNE’s minor in Mental 健康 Rehabilitation has all the ingredients of a recipe for success. Our graduates routinely credit the program with giving them the broad awareness of societal issues; knowledge of the impact of mental health and 创伤 on human development; and the listening, 沟通, and counseling skills they’ve needed to be successful in graduate school or in the mental health career field.

Minoring in MHRT/C helped me decide to pursue my master’s degree in counseling. The coursework and the fact that the professors in the program are licensed clinicians were instrumental in helping me define my career goals.” — Genna Companatico ’21, 心理学 major/Mental 健康 Rehabilitation minor



帮助他人需要行动和互动, and faculty in the Mental 健康 Rehabilitation minor know that traditional classroom work is not enough to prepare you for a career in the mental health field. Your classes will incorporate hands-on activities so that you develop the real-life skills you need to succeed. Whether you’re producing an updated list of community resources, 进行实地考察, 在教室里与受邀嘉宾交谈, participating in a community discrimination prevention project, or presenting research at the Undergraduate 研究 Symposium, 你将走上一条投入的道路, 主动学习.

You may also opt to pursue an internship for even more real-world skill development and resume enhancement. 可能的实习地点包括:

  • 悲伤儿童中心
  • 糖果
  • Waban
  • St. 路易斯儿童发展中心
  • 春港医院
  • 家庭危机服务
  • 家长资源中心
  • Samuel L. 科恩成人日托中心
  • 不再有暴力
  • 计划生育
  • Maine Department of 健康 and Human Services, Office of Child and Family Services


UNE’s Mental 健康 Rehabilitation minor consists of the seven courses required for the MHRT/C certification:

  • 心理学概论
  • 变态心理学
  • 心理健康与社会
  • 生命的发展
  • 创伤与健康
  • 临床/咨询心理学理论
  • 种族、阶级和性别


平均绩点不低于2分的学生.25 and any undergraduate major at UNE may minor in Mental 健康 Rehabilitation (MHR) with the approval of the program or academic director. Declarations must occur prior to the completion of the first semester of the senior year.

心理学 majors declaring a minor in MHR are discouraged from double-dipping credits across the minor and major requirements such as PSY 236, 375, or 410.

A minimum of twenty-one (21) hours of approved course credit with a minimum grade of C- in each is required for the minor in MHR as follows (students completing the seven (7) courses identified below are eligible for the MHRT/C certificate from the state of Maine):

鸟叔105 -心理学入门3
PSY 205 -变态心理学3
鸟叔250 -寿命发展3
精神科375 -创伤与健康3
PSY 410 -临床/咨询心理学理论3
SOC 240 -种族,阶级和性别3

有关更多信息,请参阅 学术目录.

A student speaks with a resident of an assisted living facility


UNE’s Mental 健康 Rehabilitation minor is the perfect complement to many of our major programs. From the more obvious majors with which you could pair the minor, 比如心理学或社会工作, 对一些不太明显的配对, 比如政治学或艺术, 正规澳门赌场网络的许多主要研究项目, 结合这个小调, can open doors to exciting careers you may have never considered.


预期 increase in the number of substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselor jobs 在美国.S. 到2031年

U.S. 劳工统计局,2022年
Pair a Mental 健康 Rehabilitation Minor With a UNE Major in在…领域的职业生涯
  • 心理学
  • 行为健康
  • 应用行为分析
  • 临床精神病学
  • 临床心理学
  • 非营利组织的工作
  • 人力资源
  • 医学生物学
  • 精神病学
  • 职业研究
  • 行为健康(初级)
  • 动物行为
  • 动物辅助治疗
  • 护理
  • 口腔卫生
  • 心理健康机构的特殊安置
  • 神经科学
  • 经颅磁刺激设备
  • 精神病学
  • 公共卫生
  • 公共卫生
  • 政治科学
  • 法律/律师助理(精神卫生法)
  • 艺术与设计媒体
  • 艺术教育
  • 艺术治疗


The MHRT/C certification was developed to ensure high-quality care for those individuals diagnosed with mental health issues. It covers nine content domains and 90 core competencies.

There is no cost associated with applying for the certification. 学生 who have completed the minor simply submit their transcripts to the state of Maine.

Having the MHRT/C certification prior to graduation increases the likelihood of job placement and a significantly higher starting salary. It may also be helpful for a variety of related professions, 比如在教育领域, 职业或物理治疗, 护理, 以及其他医疗保健事业.



联系 本科招生 at (800) 477-4863 or 电子邮件admissions@pxamerica.com. You can also stop by our office on the Biddeford Campus Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.